Winters in Port Aransas, TX, can get chilly. If you’re smart about your home’s heating, however, you can stay comfortable without a shock to your energy bill. The heating contractors at Port Aransas AC & Heatinghave shared a few of their favorite easy tips to keep your energy bill down this winter. Here are a few tips to save your wallet and stay environmentally responsible.
4 Money-Saving Strategies for Winter Heat
1. Dial Down the Heater
Most people have their water heater set at too high a temperature to just shower and do the dishes, so stop paying to warm and store hot water you don’t need. If you turn your water heater down to 120 degrees or to the “warm” setting, you’ll still have hot water for showers and washing dishes, but you can also save a lot of energy.
2. Use Your Curtains
Open your curtains at the beginning of the day to let the sunshine in through the windows. The greenhouse effect will let the light in and trap the heat inside your home. Be sure to close your curtains at sunset, however, since they can help insulate from chilly air seeping through the windows.
3. Let the Vents Breathe
If you’re paying to run your furnace and heat air in the home, make sure you’re getting the most of it. Dust buildup or blockage in the vents will make your system less efficient and waste all the warm air that could otherwise be making your home comfortable. Walk through the home to ensure there’s no furniture in the way, and clean the vents regularly throughout the season.
4. Upgrade the Thermostat
Smart thermostats are becoming popular with good reason. They will remember your habits and change the HVAC schedule to make it more efficient. For example, it might turn down the heat while you’re gone for the day at work or in bed for the night. These efficient changes will be made, but you’ll still be comfortable when you’re at home and won’t need to put any thought into controlling your thermostat.
If you’ve taken these steps and you’re still worried your system is inefficient, a heating contractor can tell you what to do. Port Aransas AC & Heating is a trusted HVAC company in the area, providing prompt and reliable service to Nueces County. Contact the heating contractors at (361) 749-2665 to get an estimate or schedule an appointment, and visit them online to learn more about their services.